Is the Official Supplier’s Plastic ‘device’ an effective Cayce Radial Appliance?

This website is about the CONTROVERSY associated with the “Official Supplier’s” version of Edgar Cayce’s Radial Appliance, an invention that balances the human body’s subtle electric charge. While the problem is nearly 20 years old, the controversy ignited about 6 or 8 years ago. The “official supplier” responded to the concerns that were raised then by adding a second version of the contested product to his catalog, and by silencing his dissatisfied customers.

Edgar Cayce’s muckraker had little choice but to take his exposé offline, lest he incur a massive legal bill defending his right to complain about his purchase.

Almost all of the evidence of the controversy has been wiped off the internet. We would mention the suppressing party and the name he uses for his device, but this would give his lawyer ammunition to take this site down as well. It is much more important to get people thinking about this problem than to name names.

Before we get into the controversy, first we will briefly cover (for the uninitiated) who Edgar Cayce is, and why this man’s life work is still relevant today.

Edgar Cayce got his start as a simple country bumpkin in Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1877. While almost everyone else who passed away in 1944 has long been forgotten, Edgar Cayce’s name is still frequently mentioned in the modern world, and his legacy is invaluable to people who are searching for answers.

In the early 1900’s, young Edgar Cayce learned that he had the ability to talk while in a state of self-hypnosis. Friends and associates would ask Mr. Cayce questions on a multitude of topics. The answers given were surprisingly accurate if they could be verified, and provocative if there was no ability to verify the truthfulness of what was said.

I was introduced to the Cayce material with a few simple words of advice:

“If you have a health condition, the best place to start is with what Edgar Cayce said about it.”

Edgar Cayce had something to say about just about every adverse condition that a human being might have, and his philosophy was a driving force behind the development of a holistic approach to health in the United States.

One peculiar aspects of Cayce’s experience was that he would have total amnesia about everything that he said while in trance.

Records were kept for over 14,000 of these question-and-answer sessions. There were more sessions, but some of the records were lost, and other sessions weren’t transcribed. The bulk of the readings were about how to restore, maintain and maximize human health.

While every reading was for a specific individual, general principles of a comprehensive philosophy for human health can be distilled. These pertain to diet, exercise, and various therapies which are useful to those interested in the maintenance of their health.

Entire volumes have already been written about Edgar Cayce’s health philosophy. Many of the books and reports are available from the curator of Edgar Cayce’s legacy, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.).

As we began, this website is about a specific aspect of Edgar Cayce’s readings. Over a few decades of readings, Edgar Cayce invented a device that uses the vibrations of chilled carbon steel to balance the human body’s subtle electric charge. Today this device is commonly called the Radial Appliance. Cayce’s readings refer to the device as the “Radio-Active Appliance”, but it is NOT at all “radioactive”, like the modern seeker might assume…

The Radial Appliance is frequently found to be a person’s missing puzzle piece in their search for health. It is a powerful boost to meditation, and many people find using Cayce’s device is a profound aid to relaxation.

I (James Knochel) discovered the Cayce material in 2002. I was drawn to the Radial Appliance because it was supposed to help the body relax and sleep. I remember having trouble falling asleep as young as five. This trouble resting persisted until I found and implemented Edgar Cayce’s philosophy and technology.

When I was first thinking about using Cayce’s Radial Appliance, the only version I found for sale was the version offered by the A.R.E.’s “official supplier”. And no matter how many times I looked at the “official supplier’s” webpage for his device, I never completed the purchase.

Some years later a link to a website about the “Official Supplier’s” device appeared in my inbox. In an instant I realized that my hesitation to complete the purchase was an intuitive warning to NOT waste my time and money on a device which is a less-than-ideal implementation of the Cayce Radial Appliance.

This webpage had been put together by a long-time student of Edgar Cayce’s philosophy. In the early 2000’s he replaced his “classic” Radial Appliance with the Official Supplier’s “new-and-improved” version. He immediately found that the new version did NOT feel pleasant like his “classic” Radial Appliance did. Other purchasers he contacted had the same complaint, so this individual decided to investigate.

The Radial Appliance as described by Edgar Cayce has a simple list of core components:

  1. Two pieces of Carbon Steel — of at least 0.56% carbon, but preferably at least 0.60%
  2. Two pieces of single-strength glass to separate the two pieces of carbon steel
  3. Plate carbon to surround the steel/glass core
  4. Masking tape to hold the above components together
  5. A non-ferrous (non-magnetic) container (usually brass or copper)
  6. Granular charcoal to insulate the core from the container
  7. topping material, wires, nickel-silver plates, and other accoutrements.

This investigator cut his “new and improved” device open and found that the charcoal packing used by all appliance builders from the time of Cayce himself was entirely missing. He sent a piece of the Official Supplier’s device’s steel for analysis, and found that the amount of carbon was rather low – less than the 0.60% that Cayce usually indicated was the minimally-ideal amount of carbon, and (if memory serves correct) even less than the bare minimum of 0.56%.

It is true that the Cayce’s design for his Radial Appliance changed over time, and he did allow a degree of flexibility in some of the components.. For example, Cayce stated that the charcoal could, in theory, be replaced with Bakelite, which Wikipedia says is “one of the first plastics made from synthetic components.” But Cayce never gave a reading on an appliance that used Bakelite instead of charcoal, and appliance builders have traditionally adhered to the specifications given in the readings.

The Official Supplier Attempts to Contain the Damage

In an effort to contain the damage to his most profitable product, the “official supplier” took the following actions:

  • Made a second version of his device with “extra charcoal”
  • Posted a variety of pages on his website about how his trademark-protected device is endorsed by the A.R.E.
  • Pointed out that the range of carbon in C1060 was quite wide 0.55 – 0.65, and that his appliance’s steel was technically C1060, even if it only had “0.xx%” carbon (whatever the critical analysis actually found – I did NOT save the entire website unfortunately). This was less than the 0.60% that Cayce said was ideal, so this admission didn’t last on “the official supplier’s” website for long.

The website critical of the “Official Supplier’s” version of Cayce’s device was only on the internet for a few months before it disappeared. I always wondered what happened to this fine piece of investigation. This spring I finally found someone who knew the rest of the story:

  • The “Official Supplier” threatened his dissatisfied customer with a lawsuit for infringing on his trademark-protected terms.

The important thing about the brief appearance of this website critical of the “official supplier’s” sloppy version of Cayce’s Radial Appliance was that it had a diagram of proper Radial Appliance construction. It was this diagram that inspired me to build my own Radial Appliance.

I (James Knochel) recently received (what must be) a very similar letter from a law firm that claims to represent the Official Supplier. The Official Supplier was not happy about an anonymous video on YouTube that is critical of the Official Supplier’s device, and had his attorney send the letter demanding that I take this video down.

The video in question was rather poorly done… Basically it showed a cloud of plastic dust as the saw cut up the Radi-ack. The important thing was that it showed that there was NO charcoal around the bottom of the steel/carbon core, and that the core was held together with plastic tape instead of masking tape.

I emailed my contacts asking that whoever put the video up take it down, and promised that I would make a video of my own that is respectful of the “Official Supplier’s” trademarks.

The page ‘Photographic Evidence’ shows the difference between a classic Radial Appliance and the Official Supplier’s two versions.

Radial Appliance builders who better-follow Edgar Cayce’s specifications are listed on this page.

Thank you for your time,

James Knochel

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